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Who won the Game of Thrones? Posted On 22 May 2019

Who won the Game of Thrones?

After 73 episodes and 8 years Game of Thrones is officially over (Spoiler Alert)

The Game of Thrones final episode was viewed live or on catchup by over 19.3 million people, a figure expected to rise to over 50 million during the week, smashing the previous record.

The final season has divided opinion, but with a show of this size, and the hype surrounding the final season, is it really any surprise? No episode divided fans more than the season finale, The Iron Throne which was a slow affair concentrating on tying up loose ends and answering the big question of who would sit on the Iron Throne.

Brandon Stark, one of the series’ most frustrating characters was voted King of the Six Kingdoms. That’s right, six kingdoms, no longer seven, as his sister, the hot-headed Sansa Stark refused to make her brother king, instead deciding to create a separate kingdom in the North.

Bran made Tyrion The Hand of the King, his third attempt at the job after serving under King Joffrey and Queen Daenerys. This wasn’t a rise to power or a role he wanted, however a punishment by Bran and the chance for Tyrion to right his previous wrongs.

Meanwhile, Jon Snow murdered his lover/auntie/Queen with a knife through her heart, after he finally saw her for the monster and tyrant she was becoming. The last we saw she was in the claws of her dragon, Drogon, who was flying off into the world. Jon Snow was released after murdering Dany and sent back to The Night’s Watch for the peace of the realm.

After a two-year wait, the hype around the shows final season was incredible, with theories on every website and news outlet. With so much hype is it a surprise that the final season has been a disappointment for some.

The most divisive moment of the season came in the third episode, when the Night King, the big bad that the series has been working towards and building up since the first ever episode, was killed by Arya Stark. A moment that as visually stunning as it was, left viewers scratching their heads. Surely the evil enemy that had been built up for seven seasons couldn’t be killed off so quickly in just one episode?

Some people believe that the storytelling went down-hill once the show took over George R. R. Martin’s books around season 6, while others believe that despite taking nearly two years to make, that the final season was rushed; but there are people who enjoyed the final season for what it was – simply good TV.

One thing for sure is that Game of Thrones has always had the ability to get people talking so, what about you?

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