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Moving to a new area – successfully! Posted On 29 May 2019

Moving Successfully

Moving to a new house can be a stressful experience, especially when you are moving to a new area too. We’ve put together a few handy tips to help with your move.

Get to know the area

Relocating to a new area can be daunting, but if the move is well planned out in advance, the process can be much easier. Before moving to your new home, if possible, it’s a good idea to spend some time exploring and getting to know the local area. Spend as much time as you can driving around local villages and towns.

Prepare a checklist of your essential facilities and then objectively look at what each place has to offer in terms of local amenities and find out what, if any, local clubs and organisations you can join. This is a great way to make new friends and really get to know your new surroundings.

Also spend time talking to those already living in your chosen location. Finding out from the locals where the best parks, pubs, and even the best take-aways are, can save you a lot of time researching and quickly help you feel more at home.

If you are already a member of any national organisations, they will be able to put you in touch with similar groups in the new area and you will soon find others with the same interests.

If moving due to employment, it is advisable to investigate the best commuter routes to and from work. Find out how long your daily journey will take and run tests around the same time you will be making the trip, as the same journey could take a lot longer at busier times in the day. Speaking to local residents could also give you information about alternative routes which could be used.

If moving with children, find out where the best schools and nurseries are located and what school catchment area your new home falls in. You can find the Ofsted reports for possible schools, nurseries, and even childminders, on the local government website. Organise a visit and taster days to potential schools, so that both you and the kids feel more prepared before the move.

Settling into your new home

Once you’ve taken the big leap and moved, it might take a little time to adjust to your new life and surroundings. However, there are many ways to make settling into your new home a little easier. If moving with children, it might be a good idea to sort out their rooms as soon as possible. Having familiar things around them will help them to settle into their new rooms better.

Unpack their favourite books and toys first to help distract them whilst the rest of the boxes are being unpacked. It is a good idea to ensure that these things are either put into the removal van last, so they will be taken off first, or are put in the car with them.

Host a housewarming party to get to know your new neighbours and other residents on your street! You could also invite new work colleagues and parents you’ve met on the school playground. People often feel obligated to bring something along, so instead of accepting unnecessary gifts and causing your guests expense, ask that they instead bring a card listing their three favourite things about the area. A fun way to make friends and to find out a little more about the place you now live!

Try and stick to the same routine as much as you possibly can, especially if you have children. Keeping to the same routine will help to make the transition go a little smoother and disrupt your normal day to day life a little less.

Get out and about

Once the unpacking has been done, the house has been organised and you have introduced yourself to the neighbours, get out and about. Explore the surrounding villages and towns, visit your local pub, nearest parks and play areas; this will help you (and your children if you have them) become much more familiar with the area.

Get involved with the local community too. Why not join local groups or activities, such as gym classes, book clubs or drama groups. You could also join the neighbourhood watch. The school your children attend might have groups or organisation you can get involved with, such as the PTA and after school clubs. Any group or organisation you can get involved with will massively help to integrate yourself into your new area.

But no matter how far the move is, it is always important to get out there and really embrace everything that your new surroundings have to offer. This might take a little while but be patient; you will start to feel at home in no time.

Talk to us now about how we can get you moving!

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