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Achieve packing perfection! Posted On 05 July 2019


If the thought of packing fills you with dread, then fear not; we’ve got some handy tips to ensure you don’t have to rely on someone to sit on your case so you can zip it up!

Plan your outfits

In order to ensure that you don’t end up taking your whole wardrobe on holiday with you, plan ahead! Try and pick items of clothing that you can mix and match – so you can have double the outfits for half the space in your suitcase. Also bear in mind that you are more than likely to wear the same item of clothing more than once too.

Roll up your clothes

It might sound like a strange thing to suggest but it really does work! Rolling your clothes saves space in your suitcase as you can easily fit them in lots of gaps in your packing. Make the most of saving space by folding tops first and then rolling them up like a sausage roll!

Utilise space

Pop socks and underwear into small spaces around the edges of your suitcase – or pop them into the space inside your shoes. They are the perfect place to stuff your socks and hold your smaller items that don’t fit anywhere else. If you’re travelling with kids, put their shoes inside yours to save even more room.

Pack your glasses case

Grab an old glasses case – it’ll come in handy to fit in small items such as your tweezers, hair bobbles, cotton buds, plasters and any medication which you may need.

Pack wisely

Remember to put heavy items – such as shoes and toiletries – at the bottom of your suitcase. This will help avoid your bag tipping forward.

Protect against breakables and leaks

No-one wants to arrive at their destination and unpack to find anything broken. Help protect any breakables you may be taking, such as perfume bottles, by placing them into socks before popping them into your case.

Likewise, there is nothing worse than discovering your suncream or shampoo has exploded mid-travel, leaving your clothes in a sticky mess. A great tip here is to squeeze any air out of the bottle before re-closing the lid and then taping it shut. For extra precaution, place shampoo, shower gels and suncream into a plastic bag before packing.

Pack a back pack with essentials

If you’re going on a long journey, ensure you pack something to keep your mind occupied on the flight, such as a book, notebook and pen or puzzle book. And if you’re travelling with children, pop in some of their favourite small toys to take their mind off the long journey. There are lots of travel games available which will fit perfectly into your back pack, such as travel scrabble. Or use your notebook and pen for a traditional game of Hangman!

Travel guidelines for hand luggage

There are restrictions on the amount of liquids you can take in your hand luggage. If possible, pack liquids in your luggage that you check in. Remember to always check with your airline about how many and what size bags you can take on the plane with you.

Liquids include:

  • all drinks, including water
  • liquid or semi-liquid foods, for example soup, jam, honey and syrups
  • cosmetics and toiletries, including creams, lotions, oils, perfumes, mascara and lip gloss
  • sprays, including shaving foam, hairspray and spray deodorants
  • pastes, including toothpaste
  • gels, including hair and shower gel
  • contact lens solution
  • any other solutions and items of similar consistency

If you do take liquids in your hand luggage:

  • containers must hold no more than 100ml
  • containers must be in a single, transparent, resealable plastic bag, which holds no more than a litre and measures approximately 20cm x 20cm
  • contents must fit comfortably inside the bag so it can be sealed
  • the bag must not be knotted or tied at the top
  • you’re limited to 1 plastic bag per person
  • you must show the bag at the airport security point


You can take liquid containers larger than 100ml through security if they are for essential medical purposes, are for special dietary requirements or contain baby food or baby milk. You can find more information at www.gov.uk/hand-luggage-restrictions

Top Tip!

Don’t leave your packing to the last minute. Always try to pack at least a week before you travel so you don’t end up over-packing in a panic!



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